Open Space Acquisition
Working to Conserve At-Risk Wild Places
Video about the South Rim Project by Jim Karnik Films on Vimeo.
Current Project Focus Areas
BackgroundThe San Diego River Park Foundation open space acquisition program monitors key areas to identify privately-owned properties which may be developed. There are vast areas within the Cleveland National Forest that are currently open space. Some other areas are significant for wildlife conservation and protecting the source of the San Diego River.
The program works with landowners who may be interested in selling their land. Sometimes these properties are put up for sale, and we need to act quickly.
We work with many partners and if they aren't in a position to acquire the land, then we work to raise the funds to acquire the land. Often we need to act quickly to raise the needed funds. Sometimes, landowners are willing to wait until we can secure a grant to have the fund needed to purchase their land at a market-driven price.
We also accept donations of property. We are so appreciative of several owners who share our interest in conserving open space, and work with them so that their land can be conserved forever.

Beautiful and scenic property you can help conserve!
Your gift today to our Land Acquisition Fund enables pursuit of buying this land so it can be conserved. Your donation today allows us to have the funds available to act quickly, especially when a property is put up for sale.
All gifts are greatly appreciate. Whether it is $10, $100, $1,000, or more - each together raises the funds needed to purchase a property. Thank you!
A great option is to join the Wildlife Club
The Wildlife Club are individuals who want to invest in this program by signing up for a monthly donation of just $8 or more. For a small donation each month, you can help sustain this effort. Learn more today!Details
- Donate by mail, click here for a printable form (PDF)
or simply mail a check to:
The San Diego River Park Foundation
4891 Pacific Highway, Suite 114
San Diego, CA 92110
Memo: Land Acquisition Fund
- Stock Gifts- click here
- Donate by phone - call 619-297-7380 M- F 9 - 1:30PM
We like to acknowledge your generous gift. It is a way to say thank you and to inspire others. click here for details
The San Diego River Park Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit EIN 01-0565671
You can also join us on a future hike or outing to the area. Contact us via email to let us know of your interest.
Friend of the Upper River
$10 - $99: Become a Friend of the Upper River and receive an invitation to next open house or dedication ceremony and be listed on this website (if desired). Future events may be by ZOOM and in person.
$100 - $499: Receive the Friend of Upper River mug in addition to the Friend benefits.
$500 - $999: Get a plaque on a donor bench along a trail at our flagship preserve Eagle Peak Ranch plus Friend benefits. We will contact you about your plaque.
$1000 or more: Be invited to join the Conservation Society for one year (or extension of one year if current member) as well as Friend benefits. Conservation Society members are invited to an annual gathering with the CEO and SDRPF board members. Special updates about current projects are also sent out and you are invited to property tours. .
For more information or to learn about other ways to get involved, contact our CEO Rob Hutsel at or call (619) 244-7024.
to all who have contributed to recent acquisitions
Special thanks to the
River Wildlife Club
for their monthly gifts that enable us to pursue these opportunities!
Click here to learn more about the Wildlife Club
Gifts are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
EIN 01-0565671
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