The River Park in the City of San Diego

On May 20, 2013, the San Diego City Council unanimously voted to adopt the Master Plan for 17.5 miles of the San Diego River, stretching from the City of Santee to the Pacific Ocean at Ocean Beach’s world-famous Dog Beach. Needless to say it was a major step. in advancing the vision and dream of the San Diego River Park.

The Master Plan divides the San Diego River Park into six reaches:
- Plateau: City’s boundary with the City of Santee to Mission Trails Regional Park
- Gorge: within Mission Trails Regional Park
- Upper: Mission Trails Regional Park to Friars Road Bridge
- Confluence: Friars Road Bridge to I-15 where Alvarado Creek merges with the San Diego River
- Lower Valley: I-15 to I-5 and including Qualcomm Stadium site
- Estuary: extending I-5 to Pacific Ocean
The San Diego River Park system unifies the City. Every neighborhood in and adjacent to the river valley will connect to the San Diego River Park, linking each of these neighborhoods to the City’s other great parks and to each other. In addition, developed parks are proposed along the river, offering an even larger spectrum of experiences to park users. The river park will also connect isolated pockets of development along the river with established neighborhoods, knitting the valley as a whole, cultivating as a whole and cultivating a river valley identity.
San Diego River Park Master Plan

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