Eagle Peak Preserve Conservation Area
The views of the Upper San Diego River Gorge from Eagle Peak Preserve are breathtaking. This expansive preserve is the flagship of the San Diego River Park Foundation. It currently consists of approximately 1152 acres. In addition, one 110 acre conservation easement is managed under this Preserve.
Preserve Units:
- Bathtub Creek - 551 Acres
- South Rim - 134 Acres
- Eagle Peak Ranch - 454 Acres
- Fisherman's Camp on Boulder Creek - 13 Acres (in 2025 this will be managed as part of our Cuyamaca Corridor preserves.
The Upper San Diego River is a key part of the San Diego River's ecosystem. It has many tributaries, including cold water streams. It is consider one of the most biologically diverse areas in the entire Country. Additions to the conservation area are being pursued as funding and opportunities allows. A variety of habitat types can be found including native grasslands, coastal sage scrub and Engelmann oak woodlands. Boulder Creek is one of two places where wild rainbow trout have been found in recent years. Sadly due in part to fire and drought, this population has been lost. We are working to restore and monitor Boulder Creek with hopes that one day the rainbow trout can return.
Limited Opportunities
Memorial or Tribute Plaque $250
On a beautiful Trail Bridge crossing Temescal Creek
Memorial or Tribute Commemorative Bench $2000 - 2 available
Bench will be located at Eagle Peak Ranch along the Pond Loop or View Point Trails
Support stewardship of these amazing conserved lands with a donation!
Any amount will make a difference.
Other Donation Options:
By Phone: Call 619-297-7380
By Mail: Printable Donation Form (PDF)
To learn more, call 619-297-7380
Location: on Eagle Peak Road
Click here for Google Map
Conservation and Recreation Values:
- Cultural sites
- Horned lizard (Phrynosoma blainvillii)
- Regional San Diego River Trail - hiking, equestrian and biking
- Incredible views
- Engelmann oak savana
- Significan wildlife corridors & linkages
- Wild rainbow trout (historically), CA newt
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Wildlife Camera Monitoring
- Preserve Monitoring
- Trail Team
- Preserve Stewards - planting, restoration, preserve management
Email us for more information about getting involved as a volunteer volunteer@sandiegoriver.org.
We are actively pursuing conservation of other key properties to add to Eagle Peak Preserve
Current Acquisition project(s): South Rim Details
Visiting: To learn more about how to visit these and other sites, check out our list of places to go or call 619-297-7380.
Help us keep the River beautiful for the next generation.Volunteer now »

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