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The Point Loma Native Plant Garden

Explore and Care for Native Plants in a Beautiful Garden

The Point Loma Native Plant Garden is a hidden gem that features many rare and endangered native plant species that are found along the San Diego River. Some of the plants in the collection are not found naturally anywhere else in the world but in our region. Located just uphill from the San Diego River estuary, this garden also features a native plant nursery where we nurture seedlings grown from seed and cuttings harvested on site. Come visit the garden and nursery for inspiration for your own native plant installation in your yard, patio or porch!

The garden is part of the City of San Diego's Collier Park West between Ocean Beach and Point Loma. There are no restrooms available at the park or garden.

We welcome you to join us! Experienced and non-experienced gardeners needed.

Visit and get involved at the Point Loma Native Plant Garden!

  • Location: the entrance to the garden is at the corner of Mendocino Blvd. and Greene Street in Ocean Beach. The nearest street address is 4444 Greene St. 92107.
  • The Gardening Volunteer Team meets on first Saturday and third Sunday of each month, from 9 – 11 am.
  • Activities include watering, planting, path maintenance, etc. The garden is also open for tours at this time. All tools are provided, but please wear closed-toe shoes and clothes that can get a little dirty. Sun protection and a reusable water bottle are a good idea too!
  • RSVPs required for volunteers: Please call (619) 297-7380 or email
  • Community service hours can be verified for those that require them.

Projects are available for your group at this site. Click here to learn more about group events.



Thank you to our partners:

The City of San Diego

Sponsorship opportunities are available starting at $500, contact us for more information.


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