Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring
Click image for a larger version of the map of sampling locations.
The RiverWatch Team is a community science team that conducts monthly monitoring to keep tabs on the health of the San Diego River. Teams meet on Thursday and Friday for monitoring. If you are interested in learning more about the health of the River and the requirements to join the RiverWatch Team, please contact the RiverWatch Coordinator at (619) 297-7380 or by email volunteer@sandiegoriver.org.
Check out the RiverWatch data and Water Quality Reports in our
Online Information Center!
Learn more about water quality monitoring
The Team uses a compact electronic sonde to collect real-time data on the temperature, dissolved oxygen content, acidity or alkalinity, conductivity, and nutrient content of the River water at 16 different locations along the River. These parameters are used to provide a current picture of the state of the River water. The monthly monitoring results help provide an ongoing picture of how the River changes from season to season, and how that may affect the habitat, plants, and animals that live in and along the River. In addition, the team monitors for nutrients (phosphate and nitrate) on a monthly basis at certain locations. In addition to documenting the presence of trash, invasive plants, and riparian fauna, the team now also monitors seasonal changes in river water quality characteristics for such metrics as odor, color, clarity, flow and undesirable substances.
Report a possible water quality issue!
Do you have a concern about water quality or water being wasted? Concerned citizens can play an important role in stopping pollution and water waste by reporting problems at the earliest possible observation! We welcome your help. Click here to go to our Pollution or Water Waste Report page to get help with making a report.
Support the Monitoring Program with a Donation
If you prefer, donations by check can be mailed to:
The San Diego River Park Foundation
PO Box 80126
San Diego, CA 92138
(please note on your check: RiverWatch)
Thank you so much!
As a 501(c)3 public benefit nonprofit, your gift is tax deductable as allowed by law. We will send you a donation receipt for your records. EIN 01-0565671
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