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Stock and Mutual Fund Donations


Making a donation of stocks can be a very smart way to support helping to create a better future for the San Diego River, wildlife and our region.


With appreciated stock you may not need to pay capital gains! Therefore, you can put the stock's full value to work to make an impact. Please check with your tax or financial advisors to learn of any limitations.

You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value of the stocks on the date of the transfer, no matter the original value.

The stocks need to be transferred directly to our stock broker.

Great news, we can also accept Mutual Funds! There may be a slightly different process which requires you to contact our broker so they can initiate the process.

Here is the information you need to make a stock gift:

Wells Fargo Advisors
Phone: 858-523-7904

Contact: Jeffrey Liber

The San Diego River Park Foundation
Account Number: 1705-7548


Legal Name: The San Diego River Park Foundation
EIN: 01-0565671
Address: 4891 Pacific Highway, Suite 114; San Diego, CA 92110
Phone: 619-297-7380

Key Points:


1. We advise you or your stock broker to call Jeffrey Liber or one of his associates at 858-523-7904. Mr. Liber processes our stock donations as a Wells Fargo Advisor. Please let him know that the stocks will be donated. He can confirm any information and answer any questions about the process.

2. If you haven't already, please let Rob Hutsel, President and CEO of the San Diego River Park Foundation, know of your intent to donate stocks (or that they have already been donated).

Rob can be contacted on his cell at 619-244-7024 or

We want to make sure we credit your donation appropriately. The donation can be for general purposes or directed to one of our programs. Just let Rob know or talk with him about what you would like the impact to be.

Important Note: "The" must be included when you provide the information to your broker as it is part of our legal name.

Donations to The San Diego River Park Foundation are tax-deductible as allowed by law. We are a 501c3 public benefit nonprofit. For legal or tax advice, please consult an attorney or financial advisors.

Beautiful century old oak



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