San Diego River Coalition

Our adopted mission is to:
"Preserve and enhance the San Diego River, its watershed, and its natural, cultural, and recreational resources."
The San Diego River Coalition has been not meeting recently. We look to restart this important collaborative effort in 2025.
Next Meeting: will be posted here
Regular Meeting Location:
After many years of meeting at the Mission Valley Library, we are working on identifying a new place to meet. If you have space available, please let us know.
Meeting Materials:
Environmental Flows Committee
Headwaters River Trail Committee
Western 9 Trail Committee
OLD - Committee Project List (PDF)
Interested members of the community are invited to be on a committee
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Rob Hutsel or 619-297-7380
Contact Rob Hutsel with future agenda Items or if you would like to be added to the noticing list
The Coalition has unanimously adopted a set of Ground Rules for the meetings. Each member organization has agreed to follow these guidelines for the Coalition meetings and supports the mission of the Coalition. Each organization designates someone to represent them at the meetings.
We encouraged interested individuals and organizations to come to one of our public meetings. They are terrific places to meet other people interested in the river, to exchange ideas and experiences, and to learn the latest news about the San Diego River Park.
Previous Members Organizations of the San Diego River Coalition include (voting and non-voting):
- San Diego River Park Foundation (chair)
- Friends of Dog Beach
- Friends of Famosa Slough
- Friends of Mission Valley Preserve
- Friends of Adobe Falls
- Friends of Ruffin Canyon
- Friends of Dove Canyon
- Friends of the San Diego River Mouth
- Friends of Santee's River Park
- Audubon Society, San Diego Chapter
- Sierra Club, San Diego Chapter
- Mission Trails Regional Park CAC
- Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation
- Tecolote Canyon CAC
- Mission Valley Planning Group
- Mission Valley Community Council
- Dog Beach Committee/Ocean Beach Town Council
- Ocean Beach Planning Board
- Serra Mesa Planning Group
- Serra Mesa Community Council
- Walkabout International
- California History and Culture Conservancy
- San Diego Archaeological Center
- Lakeside Historical Society
- Maine Avenue Revitalization Association
- Santee Historical Society
- Project Wildlife
- Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Chapter
- Friends of the Point Loma Garden
- Friends of the Normal Heights Canyons
- Friends of the University Heights Canyon
- Friends of Buchanan Canyon
- National Wildlife Federation
- California Wild Heritage Campaign
- San Diego Fly Fishers
- Save Our Heritage Organization
- Ramona Trails Council
- San Diego County Bicycle Coalition
- San Diego Mountain Biking Association
- Back Country Land Trust
- Endangered Habitats Conservancy
- Back Country Coalition
- Preserve Wild Santee
- Cuyamaca Rancho Foundation
- Navajo Community Planners, Inc.
- Tierrasanta Community Council
- Mission Bay Park Committee
- San Diego Presidio Park Council
- California Native Plant Society, San Diego Chapter
- San Diego Coastkeeper
- San Diego Stream Team
- I Love A Clean San Diego
- Urban Corps of San Diego
- The Nature Conservancy
- Julian Community Planning Group
- Trust for Public Lands
- San Diego Tracking Team
- Citizens Coordinate for Century 3 (C-3)
- San Diego Canyonlands Inc.
- Wildnerness4All
- Tierrasanta Fire Safe Council
- Allied Climbers of San Diego
If you are interested in more information about the San Diego River Coalition or would like to be listed as supporting this effort, contact Rob Hutsel

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