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Do You Want to Leave a Lasting Legacy?

Planned Giving through your will, IRA or Insurance may be for you!

Do you remember the first time you were inspired by nature and being outdoors?

Would you like others to have the same experience? Do you care about nature? If so, we invite you to make a legacy gift.

Interested in the benefits of donating your IRA Manadatory Distribution? Click Here

You can have impact that will last for generations. It can be as easy as designating The San Diego River Park Foundation as a beneficiary in your will.

You can also name The San Diego River Park Foundation as a residual beneficary. In this way you take care of loved ones first and support your passion for nature with any remaining funds.

You can direct these funds for specific purposes such as the River Center, Open Space Conservation or Youth Education, or designate them for general support to give The San Diego River Park Foundation the greatest flexibility to meet future needs.

We would love the opportunity to discuss with you what inspires you and what you want your legacy to be.

Your commitment through a charitable planned or estate gift benefitting The San Diego River Park Foundation will qualify you for membership in the San Diego River Park Legacy Society. Of course, if you prefer, as many do, your commitment can remain anonymous.

Society members will be recognized in the San Diego River Center at Grant Park when it opens (scheduled for 2043) and in our annual report, plus all benefits as a Director Circle Member.


When you want to include SDRPF in your plans, please let us know. Either call us or completeand return the Legacy Society Form. Thanks!

Legacy Society Form (PDF)
Please print, complete and mail to the address on the form. Thanks!

If you are interested in meeting to discuss your estate plan intentions and opportunities, please contact Pat Ricel, our Senior Manager for Philanthropy at (619) 297-7380 or by email at

For legal or tax advice, it is best if you consult an attorney or tax professional. .

Legal Name: The San Diego River Park Foundation
EIN: 01-0565671
Address: 4891 Pacific Highway, Suite 114; San Diego, CA 92110

Sample Language for your Will or Revocable Living Trust:

Residual Gift Language:

A residual bequests comes to The San Diego River Park Foundation after all your estate expenses and specific bequests are paid.

I give and devise to The San Diego River Park Foundation (EIN 01-0565671), located in San Diego, California, all (or state a percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general support (or state a specific fund or program - please contact us if you would like to discuss how best to be clear about your intent).

Specific Gift Language:

I give and devise to The San Diego River Park Foundation (EIN 01-0565671), located in San Diego, California, the sum of $________ (or state specific asset) to be used for its general support (or to support a specific fund or program).


Retirement Plan Beneficiary Language

You may name The San Diego River Park Foundation (EIN 01-0565671) as a beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement benefits. Potential donors should consult with a tax advisor about the benefits of such a gift.

Put Your IRA to Work Today - Make a

If you are 70 1/2 years of age or older, this may be a wonderful way for you to support things you care about.

As a 501c3 public benefit charity, we are qualified to receive gifts of all or part of your required minimum distribution! And it is tax-free!

Whether it is $1000, $5000 or the maximum of $105,000, the tax benefits can be significant.


A check for a QCD needs to be made to "The San Diego River Park Foundation."


QCDs are not considered taxable income. That means it won't push you into a higher tax bracket or trigger some phaseouts, which limit some kinds of tax deductions or trigger high taxes on Social Security income. There are other potential benefits, too.

This giving option is made directly from your traditional IRA, inherited IRA, inactive SEP and inactive SIMPLE IRAs.


Did you know QCDs can't go into a Donor Advised Fund? But The San Diego River Park Foundation, since we aren's a private foundation, is qualified to accept QCDs. We are a 501c3 public benefit nonprofit. EIN 01-0565671.

Please contact your IRA advisor to learn more.

While it isn't eligible for a federal income tax charitable deduction, the benefits of not having the distribution count as income, can be significant.

If you like, you are welcome to personally mail or drop off your gift, but the funds must come directly from your IRA (that is, you can't get a distribution in your name and then write a personal check).

As a 501c3, The San Diego River Park Foundation is eligible to receive these gifts. Please check with your IRA advisor if you have any questions. Thank you!

There are other means which you can support those things you care about. If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.



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